Hey guys! (oh wait... no proclamation mark, very tired)..
BUT happy.... So (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) is allowed! =)
Been pretty productive today:
walked the dog, exercised and went for this latin fitness class thingie a.k.a. Latino Jam.
Yeah... I AM that desperate!
I LOVE eating (my pork chop-namer.. u know who you are) definitely supports that..
And i am on a mission... I will NOT give in! LOL
It is seriously a battle okay...
I know I know.. it's pretty ironic. Malaysia the land of delicious and mama-mia food and i'm not eating like mad! This is the outcome of eating too much and being a snoring pig in Australia where it is so easy to put on!
Tomorrow's hip hop & Monday's latin... I can't wait!
Ok ok.. enough about myself!
Gonna log off now...
Just needed to write something... if not, this blog is gonna go into a comma again....
Putting yesterday's post aside, i just realized that the last post i entered was in December 2007 and i really can't believe how fast time has passed! It's been a year already!
We're now:
A year older
A year nearer to the regret for unrealized dreams
A year nearer to graduation
A year nearer to a family (optional.. haha! )
A year to children
A year to grandchildren
A year to death
Was just talking to a friend who's been going through a hard time.
And i know many of you out there may be going through a hard time; may it be studies, work, friendship, relationship, family, love, personality, housemates ..and the list goes on....
Do not give up and know that HE above all is always there for you.
1 Peter 5:7
" Cast all your anxiety on HIm for He cares for you"
He is faithful to the very end.
Ask and you shall be given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened...IF the He thinks it's best for you.
Therefore, don't give up.
He is here ALWAYS.
Was here, is still here and will always be here; next to us.
Past, Present & Future.