Monday, October 01, 2007

unsubstantial substance

Hi people!!

I'm back after almost A month of disappearance...
And i am officially ALMOST SICK..
Note the word
And i have an assignment to finish by this Friday and more the next and next next and next next next week... and EXAMS are in a MONTH!!!
I think i'm so bummed... arrggghhh.... DOOMED!!!

Ohkie... i'm not here to complain.
Sorry for the SUPER delayed update.

So many pics to upload but the internetis so freaking slow...

Klaz..... i know this post has no substance....
Really no mood to type now..
My head hurts and my body's aching and i need to submit the assignment which i have not started on yet on FRIDAY.


Tcare people...
I'll be BACK!!