Monday, August 24, 2009

Fairy Tales & Happy Endings?

You know how you earn big bucks in monopoly? Well, i wish those ink-printed paper- rainbow coloured money were real! That way, all you need is to move your little metal statue, buy some property and collect big bucks!

Okok.. i'm getting off track. Into a world of fantasies. Talking about fantasies.. the lyrics of "Big Girls DOn't Cry" by Fergie "fairytales don't always have a happy ending do they?" It seems more like a statement than a question.

I guess even if fairy tales don't have happy endings, one could always try to narrate the story according to what is wanted out of it. So what if Snow White wasn't awakened by True Love's First Kiss? One could always rewind one of Disney's first amazing production and change the details to Snow White being awakened by the "dwarfs' heartfelt and sorrowful tears" which splattered on her beautiful porcelain face... That way, she wakes up and it becomes a happy ending.

So, what the ending entails would most definitely be what one makes of it, not what one accepts it for. If "anything goes", Snow White without her Prince would definiely lie in the glass coffin till she withers away in age.

You are entitled to your own happy ending.
Write your own story, Walk the line to happiness.


Lin said...

Hey...interesting post! I agree with you about making our own happy endings, cause u know what? There is no such thing as happy endings in fairy tales. in fact, fairy tales were modified for modern-day children.

check this out =) they have gruesome endings in the original versions.

Eunice said...

YAY!!! an update!! :D lolz...
The post on the poker game was really cool. You playing too much poker la !!!!