i am SO guilty of this treachery and i know it! I have been M.I.A.ing for 3 months.. or maybe more!! Thousand apologies people...!! Especially Jane, Karyn, Eunice and whoever else that's been reading faithfully... I have been so caught up with stuff happening here... u know..-.- Plus, sometimes you just get that lazy feeling... You know, times when you're just about to log onto your blogspot to post some new happenings..then you hear this freaking voice saying...." LAZYYYYYYY" and all you feel like doing is rolling up in bed or whatever you can do to keep you from going online... Maybe it's just me... anyway, *drum roll*.........................................to those who were faithfully reading.. I am SORRY. Truly am.......
I'm gonna post a few blogs one after another... Too many things happened. It's hard to fit everything into one post perfectly... Know what i mean?? hehhehe! =)
I'm having EXAMS now... Yeah, you read right.... EXAMSSSS!! (With mega-capital letters for ALL the alphabets!!) I've finished 2 papers... one more to go and THAT i'm not sure if i'm gonna pass... guess what?! It's FRENCH (another word in mega-CAPITAL letters) *sigh* -----Esther doing French. What a joke huh? And the best yet lamest excuse i can give you is..
"i want to learn something different and interesting...."
I can still hear myself telling my friends and my parents that reason(on top) when they went like...."WHY in the world French???" So yeah.. my paper is on Saturday and it's 3 hours long!!! 3 hoursss!! SHiTE.. not started a page yet... Those of u who know me well should know that my procrastination has reached an alarming level.... let's see... hmmmm..... it's be there eversince i started going to school....? -.- LOL! IT'S BAD!! I need to be disciplined!
Anyway, my parents came down for a visit and to look around Adelaide and Perth on the first week of June. My grandparents and bro came along.. and it was great meeting up again after almost 4months.
GUESS WHAT??!!! My dad brought me a camera! Remember the post... I LOST MY FREAKING CAMERA?! Yeah.. now, i can put up pics when i post stuff over here... Anyway, took some pics of my current room...
See all the DOTS on top??? The WHOLE space is supposed to be for PICTURES!!! of my room as i was writing earlier....
BUT noooooo..... blogspot OR my laptop OR whatever just decided to zero in on me AGAIN!!! Yet AGAIN! When i finally have the mood to log into blogspot and breathe abundant life into it once and for all, this happens! Sometimes, i wonder if i'm just out of luck or just plain DUMB (considering the fact that i AM a computer illiterate and just go..."HUH??" whenever some note pops out on the monitor screen)
(at least....blog tuition..)
i can't wait for tomorrow to be over....i'll be free of this lingering thought haunting my mind for counteless days..
One that goes....." you're not studying... you're supposed to be and you know it....c'mon you pig! Read!"
My body's not responding to these promptings and that makes it worse..
Wish me the best.... I DON'T BELIEVE IN LUCK..... It'll be great if it did, i would need tonnes of it!
Signing off~