Saturday, November 29, 2008

In My Shoes for Today

I know it's freaking late... Decided to come online to do the usual "check up" on emails, facebook and others..

Anyway, got back from the social dancing thingie Darryl took me to a few hours ago..
Having mamak in the wee hours of the morning chatting feels good.
Catching up and feeling Malaysian all over again..
The oiliness and dirtiness of Malaysia's food stalls are just the things we need to feel Malaysian!
And mamak is number ONE... come on, ya'll gotta agree with me ey???
(JEAN FOO! Jealous notttt????haha... jkjk! XOXO)

The dance thing was real fun. I enjoyed myself. Thanks "HOT STUFF" for taking me! I'm sure you learnt as much as I did..

Got to learn lots of different basic steps for different dances.
I didn't know this Taiwanese 4 step rock and roll( i don't know what it's called) existed!
It's just so sad that 2 years of not dancing has erased my memory of what i've learnt in the past. I guess back to basics would be it from now on.

It's good to learn.. The feeling of learning something/ mastering something/ adding knowledge to oneself is something cherished by many.. if not, most people.. including myself.

okok.. Enough of me..=)
Oh ya, Leo Koh have a good flight back today.. Have fun back in Spore with your buds!

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